What Ignites Us - Why Hemp Balm
What We Do
At Rilēf we have carefully selected ingredients that ease the pain and discomfort associated with muscle, joint and skin inflammation. We focus on producing natural and authentic plant based products, free from the very toxins that cause inflammation and the raft of side effects that follow from the commonly prescribed treatments for such conditions.
We have ensured our products are safe for all skin types and ages and have used them with our daughter from a very young age. They are all formulated for use with our family, and today we are pleased to share them with you and your family.
Who We Are
I am a son, a husband, a father. My name is Christian and without the support and encouragement of my family Rilēf would not be what it is today. My wife Kate and I stood side by side for over a decade before starting our family. We spent countless road trips around the country discussing how we wanted to raise our family, as naturally as possible was always the common theme. We wanted our children to know where and how food is grown and that plants can be used as medicine.
Sadly, we have watched too many friends and family stuck on the hamster wheel of our health system and the damage caused by prescription medicine, symptoms, prescription drugs, more symptoms, more prescription drugs, more symptoms. This is why we produce 100% natural products to naturally support in the healing process. Today we personally grow a number of our own ingredients, allowing us to teach our daughter, Hester, where food and medicine originally came from in generations past.
Why We Make Hemp Balms
My heart sank the day my brother in law told me Sōōth was the only thing that calmed his daughter's eczema, allowing her to sleep through the night without pain. We originally began producing hemp balms for our own ailments with great success. When we told friends what we were making we were shocked to learn of how many people we knew that lived in either constant physical pain or whose skin was red raw without us knowing. The upset of seeing so many people hurting unnecessarily was the spark that ignited Rilēf. I have been in their shoes, I have walked those miles, I know how pain and discomfort affects your daily life. Our drive, our philosophy is, and will always be, to help others in any way we can.
Where We Are Heading
Kate and I were lucky enough to grow up in a time where every house had a garden big enough to grow food and for kids to run around. Watching first hand Auckland's suburban makeover in the last few years it’s sad to see the Kiwi backyard subdivided into another property and a concrete driveway to play on. We are blessed to have the small area we do have to grow what we can, especially living so central to the city. As Rilef grows there is the yearning for a bigger place to call home, a home built around the land we intend to grow, play and live on. We are excited to grow more of our own ingredients with the focus being on soil health.
Having Hester working with us in the garden we have taught her “composting”. This has led to our learning of soil health and a change in direction with how we nourish our plants. We no longer feed our plants, we feed the soil. Our soil in return feeds our plants and the results have been remarkable. There are plans to expand with a vegan product range as well as facial serums and after sun care for delicate skin. As a family we are very excited to be in a position to share what works for us with you.